In May 2019
I comment on the conclusion by the National Inquiry that the issue of MMIWG2S amounts to "genocide" on CBC's Power and Politics. The report was leaked. This is unfair to the families of MMIWG2S and I am sorry I did not get a chance to say that live on television. I did my best under the circumstances (still healing from a broken ankle, a major headache and the end of a long work-week).
The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in R v Barton, or the Cindy Gladue appeal. You can read my comments here.
I am back to my normal writing routine (or as normal as it can be). You can view my "Adding Value" continued series here. I talk self-care and other BS.
Oh yes, I started a new thing. It's called the IndigiBot (Indigenous + bot). It's a twitter account that auto-tweets case law (minor errors here and there but working on them). I write stuff on some of the cases. You can read more here. You can follow the IndigiBot on Twitter: @IndigiBot.
I wrote some things on an appeal at the Supreme Court of Canada regarding mining activities by a Canadian corporation's subsidiary. I will share it here sometime soon.
My first post from when I came back to writing after breaking my ankle: you can check it out here.
In my inbox
I read a lot of news. Like a lot. I've been following stuff in energy and mining because as boring as they are to everyone else, there is some cool stuff happening. Except this stuff: This CEO wants more women in mining, but really what does that even mean?!
Mining Industry is focusing on safety and other things.
Mining Industry incorporating blockchain, by matching sellers and buyers--because, of course.
In my feeds
Iqaluit meeting explores how IP can include Indigenous knowledge and expression. For context, the federal government started a consultation on this back in 2018.
There was a leak of the National Inquiry's final report into the issue of MMIWG2S. That report says MMIWG2S are victims of a "Canadian genocide".