Hello readers,
It's been a while since I wrote something here it feels like and I have this cloud lurking over my shoulders whispering me to write something. There are a lot of things I have on my writing list. Two of which include the diversity disclosures in the CBCA and the paid time-off for Indigenous people for Indigenous practices in the Canada labour code. I have some thoughts about both of these legislative changes, like who defines who is Indigenous and who gets to claim the Indigenous identity in either of these new legislative tools? I also want to write about the MMIWG Inquiry's final report still. Still.
I thought to provide a brief update since moving.
First, I am still working on my Alberta bar application. It is a beast, to say the least (#ThatsARhyme).
With moving, I didn't realize how much more work. it would take to settle up north especially with figuring out the courthouse and how that works. Ok, maybe, I did know; I was just in denial. Networking in the north looks different than it does in the south.
Finally, I have started teaching a course at the university in Sault Ste Marie on the effects of government acts and policies on Anishinaabe rights. I feel very honoured to be able to do this work. The university has a long history that is connected to my own community. Perhaps, one day I will write more about it.
I am so happy to back in my home territory. In case you want to know what home is like for me, I saw five eagles on the weekend in one day alone.
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