A something a little different for this month's In Brief. I highlight some of my media work over the last little while. From the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit folks, lack of engagement with First Nations leaders during a national manhunt, the federal election, and my first op-ed (as the sole author and in print!) in the Globe and Mail on the TMX Pipeline and the First Nations' bid for its majority stake!
2019 (and in no particular order):
I launched my own law practice. It’s been a wild ride! Many thanks/miigwetch to those who have supported me to date.
I developed trauma-informed professional development programming and it was profiled here.
I authored my first op-ed that was published in print in the Globe and Mail on the TMX pipeline and the First Nations' bid for majority stake. You can read that here.
I was asked to comment on the leak of the final report by National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit folks.
I wrote about what is missing from the discussion on the final report by the National Inquiry into MMIW2S.
I provided comments on the use of the term “genocide” in the final report by the National Inquiry into MMIWG2S.
I was quoted on the lack of engagement by the RCMP with First Nations leaders into the national manhunt. You can view those comments here and here.
I gave Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a grade of “F” for Fake Feminist in a feminist report card, here.
I was asked about my thoughts on the federal election.
I wrote about an Indigenous feminist legal approach to the federal carbon tax appeals.
I wrote a summary with some commentary about Canada’s Application for Judicial Review in the Caring Society case.
On my bookshelf:
I finished reading JWR’s book and wrote a short book review. Stay tuned! Ps. You should definitely be reading it if you are an ally and care about reconciliation and Indigenous rights.